On the 10th & 11th of June, the 8th Consortium of European Research on Emotion (CERE) took place in the sunny Granada, in the south of Spain. Of course, the Focus on Emotions lab was well represented with four presentations and one poster.
Carolien talked about the "Development of emotion recognition in autistic preschoolers: Recognizing emotions from facial expressions and emotion-provoking situations"
Claudia presented part of her work on "Co-design with Autistic Girls: Understanding Emotions in a Game-Based Intervention"
Yung-Ting presented past and current research on "Emotion understanding in dynamic social situations by deaf and hard-of-hearing and typically-hearing children"
Boya talked about the role of culture on emotional expression in "Shame on you! The role of shame and guilt in adolescent aggression; does culture matter?"
Zijian presented his poster on "Moral emotions in early childhood. Validation of the Chines Moral Emotion Questionnaire"
Besides absorbing some of the mediterranean sun (and food), CERE 2022 also gave us a wonderful chance to connect with other emotion researchers across different disciplines (psychology, philosophy, law, politics, linguistics, human-computer-interaction...) and return to the Netherlands with a widened horizon and new ideas!