Dutch and English versions of the SCL were previously constructed in parallel (Rieffe et al., 2004; 2006). The process involved using responses given by teachers to the question of what are children’s most common health complaints. It also contains items comparable to those present in a more extensive measure, the Children’s Somatisation Index (CSI; Walker & Greene, 1989).
Rieffe C, Meerum Terwogt M, Bosch JD (2002). Emotie-identificatie en rapportage lichamelijke klachten bij kinderen. Kind en Adolescent, 23, 3, 154-169.
Jellesma, F.C., Rieffe, C., & Meerum Terwogt, M. (2007). The Somatic Complaint List: Validation of a self-report questionnaire assessing somatic complaints in children. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 63, 399-401.
For validation of the questionnaire in Spanish:
Rieffe, C., Villanueva, L., Adrián, J.E. & Górriz, A.B. (2009). Somatic complaints, mood states and emotional awareness in adolescents. Psicothema, 21, 459-464.
For validation of the questionnaire in Farsi:
Rieffe, C., Oosterveld, P., Meerum Terwogt, M., Novin, S., Nasiri, H., & Latifian, M. (2010). Relationship between alexithymia, mood and internalizing symptoms in children and young adolescents: Evidence from an Iranian sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 425-430.
Somatic Complaint List [Dutch]
Somatic Complaint List [English]
Somatic Complaint List [Greek]
Somatic Complaint List [Italian]
Somatic Complaint List [Spanish]
Somatic Complaint List [Albanian]
The syntax for the SCL can be downloaded here. For more info please refer to our FAQs.