The Worry/Rumination Questionnaire, or also called the Non-Productive Thought Questionnaire, is a self-report reflecting a person's tendency to think about a (future) problem without coming closer to a solution
Jellesma, F., Meerum Terwogt, M., Reijntjes, A., Rieffe, C. & Stegge, H. (2005). De vragenlijst Non-Productieve Denkprocessen voor Kinderen (NPDK): Piekeren en Rumineren. Kind en Adolescent, 26, 368-378.
Rieffe, C., Oosterveld, P., Meerum Terwogt, M., Novin, S., Nasiri, H., & Latifian, M. (2010). Relationship between alexithymia, mood and internalizing symptoms in children and young adolescents: Evidence from an Iranian sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 425-430.
Veiga, G., Oosterveld, P., Fernandes, J., & Rieffe, C. (2019).Validation ofthe Portuguese Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 215-224. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2017.1344124.
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [Dutch]
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [English]
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [Spanish]
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [Italian]
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [German]
Non-Productive Thoughts Questionnaire [Portuguese]
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